A remarkable new chapter in the history, or, more appropriately, history of KLTC happened on Saturday May 27th 2023 – Tennis marathon tribute to Malgo, raising funds for Breast Cancer UK.


There was sunshine, continuous tennis – (including wooden racquets, & arguably lethal tennis games), and music from the get-go @ 6am until 6pm creating a wonderful party atmosphere which continued well into the evening with a scrummy buffet,cocktails, raffle, auction, and general merriment.   

Thanks are due to several people who contributed to the success of the day:

  • the Pink Ladies: Hannah Blaber, Elle Henderson, Laura Howland, Bridget Hunter, Janey Millar & Karen Stevens
  • balloon blowing boys: Joe (Smith), Mac, Evgeni, Gabe, Hector, Nasher & Toms F,K & Saxby
  • star bakers: Ela (Karen’s Polish friend), Fiona, Jenna Jarrett-King, Julia, Mandy & Vicky’s friend Dot
  • green fingered gurus: Gerry (Scott), Karen & Trish
  • PA, speakers & music: Dave W
  • top toastie queen: Cynthia (& Bernard for co-ordinating orders with military precision)
  • fabulous fruit from French Garden: Rob Tucker & Dan Purnell – supplying the PLs with much needed marvellous munchies
  • raffle ticket tearers & folders: Chris Howland & Pete
  • marvellous mixologist Elle
  • bar tenders extraordinaires: Nicola, Amelia & Lottie Clark;  Pete, Sian & Tony
  • MC & raffle maestro: Pete ably assisted by Carol
  • principal clearers & washing upperers: Sian, Tony & Vicky
  • AND last, but by no means least, our AMAZING AUCTIONEER Stu Butler who managed to get not ONE, but FOUR Willfords to dig deep and part with cash. (Note: Tony is still lying in a darkened room twitching).

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